Incarceration in Hampton Roads

This map shows the number of incarcerated people and incarceration rates for every neighborhood in Hampton Roads.

To use this map click on any of the neighborhoods to see the number of people incarcerated from that neighborhood, as well the incarceration rate. On a mobile device, click the pop-up to see more information about that neighborhood.

Key Takeaways:

1) Portsmouth and Norfolk have the highest percentage of incarceration in the region. In Portsmouth, 1.3% of residents are incarcerated. In Norfolk, 1.1% of residents are incarcerated.

2) Virginia Beach and Williamsburg have the lowest percent of incarcerated residents, .39% and.42% respectively.

3) Of the top 10 neighborhoods with the highest incarceration rates, 5 are in Norfolk, 4 are in Suffolk, 1 is in Newport News.

3) Evidencing wide disparities, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, and Suffolk are also the only cities with neighborhoods that have zero residents incarcerated. In Newport News, Portsmouth, Hampton, Chesapeake, and Williamsburg, at least one person in every neighborhood is imprisoned.

4) Huntersville, in Norfolk, is home to the region’s highest incarceration rate: 496 people are incarcerated per 10,000 people. The next highest incarceration rate is in Pleasent Hill in Suffolk, where 356 people per 10,000 are in prison or jail.

5) The lasting effects of segregated housing impact incarceration today. Across Hampton Roads, formerly redlined neighborhoods are more likely to have higher incarceration rates than neighborhoods that were not redlined. Of Norfolk's top 5 neighborhoods with the highest incarceration rate, all 5 were redlined. Of the region's top 15 neighborhoods with the highest incarceration, 10 were redlined.

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